Friday 25 March 2011


Here is the poster and I think the name has changed to 'The Emperor's Harem.' This poster looks ok to me.

This series has finally finished and Tavia has gone back to Hong Kong too. I think this will air in September.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

后宫 Press Conference and costume pictures

The English name for this is Royal Harem.

This was a picture of Tavia in the press conference with one of her most seen costumes, the orange furry cloak. To be honest, I don't like her hair style because it makes her look really old. Though I think that it is to fit with her character being older than the king by 19 years.

I was wrong in thinking that the king would be Patrick Tam. Instead it is this guy who I don't know the name of. Patrick Tam is a eunich? and he follows Tavia.

Here is another costume of Tavia's. The first costume picture that was out looked really boring and dull because it was orange and green. However, this is more colourful and can be seen without the ugly furry coat in the way! I wonder if this is the profile pic?

I love this picture with Tavia and this person. Tavia is not actually smiling but I really like this for some reason. She has a different orange fluffy coat which looks nice!

Here's a filming pic of Tavia in a very nice blue outfit.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

后宮 Jan 16th

后宮 will start filming on January 16th but Tavia will go to 橫店影視城 on the 15th. Tavia will play an evil character called 萬貞兒 where she was a palace maid but then helped the prince. From then on, the prince which is now the king relys on her very much and she is now a concubine. She did have a child but it died and now her emotions has changed. Basically her whole part of the storyline afterwards is that other concubines are pregnant and she just tries to get rid of them. I'm actually finding the story quite interesting. In an event she went to, Tavia said that her partner will be 譚耀文 and the other cast include 安以軒 and 馮紹峰. This will probably end in the middle of March. I can't wait!

Wednesday 22 December 2010

回到三國 Cast...

At first I was REALLY excited to hear the news that Tavia will film this new series Back to the 3 Kingdoms. However, now people are saying that Fala has replaced Tavia and Fala will be 2nd lead after Tavia. Also many people don't want to see FungYi again and they don't want Raymond and Tavia to be added in. They want the original cast.

For me, I would personally want Tavia to film series with Kate and Fala again. As for the boys, I want her to film with Kenneth and Steven or Kevin. I'm not actually really looking forward to 回到三國 as much; I'm looking forward to her mainland series more!

Monday 20 December 2010

Yahoo! Asia Buzz Awards

Tavia recieved 「Yahoo! 搜尋人氣大獎2010」電視女藝人大獎 for The Mysteries of Love with Raymond Lam! However, Tavia did not attend the awards ceremony (I think) instead, Lok Yi Ling recieved it for her. A new award for Tavia but what a pity she never attended!

Saturday 18 December 2010


回到三國 was in the Sales Presentation starring Ron Ng, Steven Ma and Fala Chan. Yes, this series will film in March but with the new cast Raymond Lam, Tavia Yeung and Ron Ng! A Twin Of Brothers cast reunion in March. I can't wait!

It also said that Tavia will finally film a mainland series in January 2011 called 后宮 but I'm not sure if she'll play 1st female lead (most probably not!) and who else will be in there. Tavia's assistant said that she will be filming a new series in February. So I'm not sure if it is 回到三國 but just a different date now or a new series. All will just have to wait and see...

Friday 17 December 2010

魚躍在花見 broadcasting...

魚躍在花見 will be broadcasting on TVB on February 7th at 9.30pm. I can't wait and looking forward to Chilam and Tavia!